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About James Bryer 
James Bryer

Psychologist, writer and spiritual teacher, Dr. James Bryer has immersed himself in the spiritual traditions of the East and West.  A psychotherapist for nearly 50 years, James is co-founder of Processus, a private counseling agency in St. Cloud, where he now practices. He has developed the Connecting Program -- a series of classes, workshops and growth groups promoting spiritual and personal vibrancy.

James has taught at five universities and has conducted workshops throughout the United States, in England and in Ireland.  Author of Four Wisdoms:  An Ethic for Everyday Life, he currently writes for this website (click on "Wisdoms" above) and is working on a book about the psychology and spirituality of relationship:  Softening to Love.

He is well-known for the gentle, engaging style he brings to teaching, counseling and retreat work.

"James is my lifelong friend; I trust him absolutely. What I love about him is his heartfelt way of life. It seems the only thing more impressive than the size of his heart is the passion with which it beats."

"I've had the pleasure of attending James' workshops and groups for eight years.  I'm always touched by the courage he shows in the way he can lead by being himself in such a humble and gentle way."
"James has a very special way of being a gentle, supportive guide to lead a person back to themselves.  He is insightful - without judgment . I find so many universal truths in what he has to say."


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